Steamboat Springs, CO - 2007

The above photo was taken a few minutes ago, from the patio of the condo we're staying at. Temperature is in the 70s. Ah, so nice!
The fam left Saturday morning, not as planned. Zoe woke up sick. Stomach virus sick. Poor baby threw up a couple times. Figures! So, due to tending to Zoe not feeling well, we didn't leave until much later than we planned. The goal was to leave between 8:00 and 9:00 in the morning, but ended up being after 11:00. Thankfully, she fell asleep soon after and got some needed rest. However, when she awoke, sometime before Flagstaff, she didn't look so good. After stopping for gas and a bite to eat, we were just about to leave town when she got sick in the car. We had to stop for clean up. It was a bit tramautic for her.
Rebekah sat in the back with her and she got sick again somewhere in Northeast Arizona. Bekah was able to handle that without us having to stop.

We made hotel reservations at the halfway point of the trip, Monticello, UT at a Best Western. The town was quaint and the hotel was nice and clean.
We ate at a little place within walking distance called PJs. It appeared to be converted from a church, and I unfortunately didn't get a picture from the outside or within the main eatery. They also have four billiards' tables. Zoe didn't get sick from dinner so we thought we were in the clear. But in the morning she had one last go around, including some projectile. Amazing! I've never seen it in person.
We then made it to Steamboat with no problems. We did make a brief detour in Craig, to drive by my old childhood home.
Hopefully, pictures of BIG trout to come!