Year End List?
I'm afraid you won't see a "Best Albums of 2007" list from me. Mainly because I have only, about, four albums from this year. A dissapointing year in music for me personally. I did listen to a lot of songs from albums of this year, but nothing really grabbed me. Although, I very much liked Battles' Mirrored, an electronic/guitar type album. How can you not like an album with the drummer from Helmet?
It seems there were a lot of electronic, mash-ups, hip-hop, and "noise" albums this year. And being that I'm mostly a guitar-oriented, rock kind-of-guy, there wasn't much to tantalize my senses. That being said, though, The White Stripes and Dinosaur Jr. had very good albums. Of course, there's Radiohead, but I've been meaning to post about that. I think Brock has too.
So, whilst I hang my head and kick the nearest pebble, I look forward to 2008. Especially since My Brightest Diamond and Able Baker Fox are slated for releases (however, I do have the pre-release of Able Baker Fox now, more on that later). And, Sufjan Stevens is due, hopefully!