Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Fun on a Bun

Wow, that’s an utter ton of DVD’s Gabe. You’ll have to tell me if any of those have cool special features. I’d imagine the Willy Wonka DVD is pretty cool. I think there was supposed to be a whole smattering of production reels and things like that. I bet the Abyss DVD is cool too. I think that was the first film to ever use computer-generated imagery to create special effects. There’s probably some cool stuff on that disc as well.

Speaking of DVD’s and Special Editions, did any of you happen to hear about the new Weezer news? Well, I guess they’re working on their 5th album and planning to release a DVD just in time for the holiday seasons. This last bit really caught me off guard though: they’re releasing a Blue Album special edition. Huh? I’m utterly shocked by this turn of events, and I have to admit I’m also a bit curious. To be honest, I’m not sure if this could turn out to be good or bad. The Blue Album was the starting point of my CD collection. In fact it was the first album I listened to from start to finish. You can slam the Green Album all you like, but the Blue Album “laid the foundation" so to speak. Would a special edition of the album override the original? I’d imagine that there are others out there who feel the same way I do.
But then again, it could be cool. I have a friend who is a big Weezer fan and he mentioned the possibility of the entire album being redone in acoustic, or with lengthened jam-out sessions. While the special edition may be nothing more then a fancy package and maybe a few enhanced features my friend’s suggestion did have me favoring the idea. We’ll have to see.

Well, tomorrow I leave for L.A. to see The Casket Lottery and Rocky with Gabe and his wife Rebekah. After that I’m going to be departing L.A. and penetrating the grimace of San Francisco and The Rock. I’m so excited, for both The Casket Lottery/Rocky show and my trip to San Fran. Years upon years of Jerry Bruckheimer films and Phil Hartman spoofs have built up my anticipation for Alcatraz. Will it be the grand poobah of all stony lonesome? Or will it be the maximum security equivalent of Universal Studios? Either way, it should be fun.

I guess the only downside to my subsequent trip is that I’ll probably be unable to post here. Of course, if I do find access to a computer (at a reasonable price) then I’ll be sure to post my chronicles. It’ll be like a daily adventure! You can hop on over to Blogger, read about my mishaps in California, and then turn on an Indiana Jones film to complement the excitement. I can just imagine what a fantastic “trip-diary” would be like with me at the helm…

12:30 P.M. The hotel room smells and some seagulls ate my lunch.

It’s almost too astonishing to read.

I guess I should cover some stuff with you folks before my trip. First and foremost, I’ll be sure to tell you how the show in L.A. goes. I’m betting Gabe will have something to say too. I’m really excited to pick up the new CD “Possiblies and Maybes” (I’ll have plenty to say about that when I get back). Likewise, I need to pick up Year of the Rabbit’s debut venture.
Speaking of new music, I think the months of September and October are going to be…well quite frankly…insane. Hey Mercedes’ follow-up to Everynight Fire Works, Looses Control, hits the streets in October and just weeks before that Modest Mouse and The Fire Theft both release their new albums. Now, if those highly anticipated releases weren’t enough, Small Brown Bike plans to release its third LP The River Bed that very month. It’s going to be fun on a bun. In fact, if you get time, you should check out Small Brown Bike’s new MP3 “Safe in Sound” on their website. It’s actually quite good and gives us a taste of what the new album will be like.

Ok then, that’s all she wrote, for now at least.

I’ll try and blog once while I’m in California, if I can. If not, then the same time next week, we’ll have words. Crabtree and Evelyn here I come…


Tuesday, July 15, 2003


Man, we've been lame on the quantity of posts! Especially me!

I signed my wife up for Columbia House DVD so we could build up the collection. We got: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (SE), Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Widescreen SE), The Princess Bride (SE), The Abyss (SE), Meet the Parents (SE) and Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail (SE). Sweetness! I always get Widescreen but I had to mention it for Willy Wonka because, at first, they only released a Full Screen version. Shame on them! But thanks to the outcries of the well informed DVD ethusiasts, they released a Widescreen version!

Year of the Rabbit out today!! Review at 11.