Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Way of the Future

Last night, over free chips and salsa, and flaun (sp?), Gabe mentioned that I hadn't posted in a while. Yeah...I haven't. Sorry about that. I was so diligent about it last week that I figured no one would notice my absence for a few days. Besides, I didn't really feel like posting for some reason. However, I will probably finish the list this week. 4 and 3 will be later today or early tomorrow. Make special note of this however: characters 1 and 2 will be posted separately. They're important enough that they merit their own separate post. And here's a clue...they're antagonists, not heroes of any sort.

I saw Ocean's 12 and The Aviator over the weekend. Ocean's 12 was terrible, in my opinion. There were a few moments that had a spark of genius, but generally I was disappointed. The Aviator on the other hand was remarkable. It may be a serious contender for my 'best picture of the year'.


Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Anywho I also saw Spanglish. It was an emotionfest. Let's all cry. Wah Wah Wah, alright now that that's over let's talk with long pauses and little meaningful dialogue and solve our problems. -Parker

Made me laugh...