Friday, April 04, 2003

Welly, welly, welly

I got this project coming up, and I need to pick a film from the 60's or the 70's to review. It's a rather large list, and it includes stuff by Lucas and Kubrick and all sorts of directors who were influential during that period. I'm just trying to pick the film I'm going to review and study, and I thought about putting the list up and then seeing if people wanted to e-mail me with suggestions as to what film I should see (or not see).

So far I'm sort of undecided...the list includes stuff like A Clockwork Orange, American Grafitti...blah blah blah. Typical films from that era.

That be the idear...nothing to big. I do think I may need to get a Death Cab for Cutie CD soon. Gabe let me borrow the Michigan Fest DVD, and it's fantastic. I can't get the DCFC song out of my head though, it has a really good beat. Naturally, I also have to get a Small Brown Bike CD.

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