Monday, July 07, 2003

Burning my travels clean

Looks like you’ll have to settle with a late post from me today.

So now I’m extra bitter about the week of the Casket Lottery and Year of the Rabbit show. You see I’ve learned that the tickets for the Radiohead shows in California will ironically go on sale while I’m in California. It’s like some kind of ironic kick in the jimmies, or some such. Gabe and I are going to work out some kind of back-up plan though regarding the purchase of the tickets. We’ve got a friend or two who might be able to hang around and purchase the tickets for us while we’re gone. By the way Gabe, Alex said he might be able to do it depending upon when the tickets go on sale. We’ll figure something out, we’ll figure something out. That seems to have become my little mantra during this whole dealy.
I am glad to be going though; it’s not every day that I get an opportunity to see both The Casket Lottery and Rocky Votolato. I’m looking to purchase some Rocky CDs, so this will be a good opportunity. Likewise, maybe the new TCL CD, “Possiblies and Maybes”, will be on sale.

Alcatraz: It's like Jurassic Park, but with convicts instead of dinosaurs!After that I’m blowing San Diego and heading on up to San Francisco for a trip I already had planned there. I’ll probably take some pictures of Alcatraz for your viewing enjoyment. Well, more for my own personal novelty anyway.

So I guess this means I need to purchase and pack a few things with the impending trip in mind:

  • An iPod charger

  • A new book to read

  • A portable toothbrush (heh heh)

And some other junk…

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