Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Our overmade minds

Ok, time to talk about Hey Mercedes. Now, as you’re undoubtedly aware, their latest album, Looses Control, has been receiving some harsh criticism directed at the album’s pop-sensible nature. I think the easiest way for me to address this complaint is to simply regurgitate one of Gabe’s thoughts on the matter: “Pop nothin’”.

I was reading some of the reviews over at Amazon the other day when I found one fan comparing HM to Foo Fighters. I mention it because it really clarifies what Hey Mercedes is: an energetic rock band. Their debut EP was a catchy and rock driven, and Everynight Fire Works was an all out, take no prisoners, rock record, from start to finish. Looses Control merely builds upon that formula. In fact, Looses Control, in my opinion, will go down among the fans as boasting some of the band’s better songs (Police Police Me, Quality Revenge At Last).

Ultimately, I think it’s a worthy step for the band, and a perfect companion to Everynight Fire Works.

Hey Gabe, what's up? (I'm feeling much better now, don't worry 'bout me) Cool purchases! You'll have to let me see Whale Rider.

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