Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Way of the Future

Last night, over free chips and salsa, and flaun (sp?), Gabe mentioned that I hadn't posted in a while. Yeah...I haven't. Sorry about that. I was so diligent about it last week that I figured no one would notice my absence for a few days. Besides, I didn't really feel like posting for some reason. However, I will probably finish the list this week. 4 and 3 will be later today or early tomorrow. Make special note of this however: characters 1 and 2 will be posted separately. They're important enough that they merit their own separate post. And here's a clue...they're antagonists, not heroes of any sort.

I saw Ocean's 12 and The Aviator over the weekend. Ocean's 12 was terrible, in my opinion. There were a few moments that had a spark of genius, but generally I was disappointed. The Aviator on the other hand was remarkable. It may be a serious contender for my 'best picture of the year'.



Joshua Provost said...

Busy as I am, I still need something read to at night. Keep it up. (It's "flan", BTW)

Brock said...

Flan! Glad someone pointed that out.

Gabe said...

Yeah, I was offended at the misspell.

Brock said...

Fine. Every time I write a post dealing with some aspect of the Spanish culture or pallet, I'll just have Chase write it and Gabe proof it.

Gabe said...

Actually, I should write it and Chase proof it. He'll catch all my errors.