Sunday, August 28, 2005

Bad Boob

I have a couple posts I've been working on, but I haven't had time to finish them since my wife was admitted to the hospital Wednesday afternoon. She's been there since. She developed a real bad case of mastitis. She finally gets to come home tomorrow. She'll have to be on antibiotics through I.V. for about two weeks.

I'll get the posts up soon. One is a review of a new album I'm really, really enjoying. The other, is a revist of The Village.


Joshua Provost said...

Bad boob? That's just cold! Way too much information. That's why I let Angie take care of those phone calls. I can't wait for a swollen testicle post... Bad Ball!

Looking forward to the posts. The Village sure is a lightning rod.

Namlet said...

Sorry Gabe, I hope everything turns out okay. Send our love to you and yours.

Brock said...

I hope she gets better.
A new resolution: no more of the hospital for her for quite some time.

Gabe said...

Thank you, all. I hope to get one of those posts up tonight or tomorrow.