Wednesday, March 01, 2006


-In Avid class right now...tonight is project night; turning in my photomontage.
-The first 5 pages of a new script are in hand..."The Sin of the Opiate". Scary. The first official feature-length since "The Madcap Armament".
-New short film..."Honeytrap". I'm specifically writing this one for someone I know who is running a writing competition, but maybe I'll get around to posting it.
-Will not be posting Filmic for the general public to read...sorry folks.
-Working on Wildlifeless director's notes..."Friendly Enemies" was right, the writer part does try to smother the director part of you.

That is all.


Joshua Provost said...

New writings, very exciting!

What is this theory about smothering?

Gabe said...

Sweet, is "Honeytrap" a parody of "Honey?" I hope so! ;-)