Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Working on the filmic script...

Getting ready for the pre-production budgeting, casting, storyboard work. Putting this (hopefully) final draft together is like putting together a mix tape.

Current scene order (make what sense of this you will):

1. The Squib
2. Vincent Shanks Runt
3. Tower Explosion
4. Leaving Baghdad/Entering Phoenix
5. Changing film
6. The Gas Mask Scene
7. Mario's letter
8. Camera jam
9. Planning explosion
10. Showdown
11. Meeting the filmmakers/Vincent's lightmeter

1 comment:

Joshua Provost said...

I'm totally lost, it sounds like there are a lot of new scenes. It's exciting. I knew there was so much there you could dig into if you wanted to. I'm sure it'll be great.