Friday, December 15, 2006

Coming Out of Lurkness

By now you've come to expect major droughts between my posts. So, what's noteworthy as of late? Not much in the way of movies. Not that there hasn't been any good ones (that may be the case), but I haven't had the opportunities to see much. However, I have come across some really good music.

Mew. Although deservingly making Pitchfork's Top 25 Worst Album Covers of 2006, I was immediately blown away by their song, The Zookeeper's Boy, upon first listen. It's so "over-the-top" prog rock, that it's cool. Brock will have to tell us more about them, as he's purchased the album. I need to get my hands on that!

Owen. New album. Good Stuff.

My Brightest Diamond. Opera trained voice, rockin', cute. What more do you want!? A song? Fine.


Brock said...

Yes, Mew is tremendous music. I've really been impressed by the band and it's definately a contender this year for my "Best Album". Glad to see Owen in the mix here...he's always so interesting to listen to and follow.

Brock said...

Hey, speaking of good music dude, you want to do a joint awards ceremony for "best album" of 06? We can throw albums back and forth to one another and then decide on one single best album for Eyes Like Static?