Tuesday, March 18, 2008


When you ask for volunteers to screen films, how do you keep quality control? Who's to stop an entrant from gathering an army of biased supporters? Maybe you do have some sort of checks and balances. Is there a grudge, then?


Jeremy said...

I don't get it.

Joshua Provost said...

It almost seems like you're going out of your way to ensure that you are blackballed.

As devious (or negligent) as you make it sound, that is exactly how all major film festivals make their selections. Unpaid volunteers do pre-screening, toss the crap and pass their notes onto the real programmers, and the festival director signs off on the final selections.

It would be impossible for one person or even a small group of people to screen thousands of films between the entry deadlines and the program announcement. It's the curse of success when it comes to film festivals. Phoenix, Sedona, Arizona Intl... Sundance, SxSW, etc. DeNiro won't be screening your film personnaly if you submit to Tribeca, either.

That's why overall the quality of smaller, niche festivals is way better than the bigger ones. The best ones are small enough for one or two guys to develop the whole program, so it actually comes out with some semblence of style and personality. They have the cohesiveness lacking in the larger festivals.

Brock said...

At the end of the day, not everyone is going to accept you. The vast majority won’t. We could lay blame at a lot of factors, but I think that would be a mistake. Here’s what I focus on: the fact that we created something fantastic. No one will ever be able to tell me differently, no matter who rejects us. I know its good. And the best part is that I did it with you guys. It only matters if you let it.

Joshua Provost said...

Agreed 1000%

Gabe said...

Well, I did do some research before the post and was surprised there were some that did it the same way. But I also found quite a few who had a group of people in the industry, or, at least, in a related industry.

Still, I have that instinctive feeling there's more to it than meets the eye here. I mostly trust my instincts.

Brock said...

Hey, I'm not gonna shun your instincts or how you feel about it...you're really good at sensing when something is amiss. But even if you are on the right track, what does that mean? You can't stop people from running their party the way they like. Why do you think Jae has put so much effort into establishing the A3F?

Here's what I have noticed so far: Those who have noticed and accepted the film understand it, or at least make some effort to. And as the author of this piece, I'd rather be at the party that gets me than be lumped in with the local group of kids trying to be the next Eli Roth.

Gabe said...

What am I going to do? Just vent and not go. That's all. ;-)

Brock said...

Yeah, yeah...you're fine to vent. But at least let me buy you a drink so you can do it proper. And hey, I'm not going either. You know what I'm going to do? Buy the Criterion Days of Heaven and watch it. You seen that film? Absolutely amazing.