Thursday, June 26, 2003

Green mind

Whoo boy, look at this fancy new posting area! Oh wait, you can't see it. Right, right. Ok, sorry, I won't be a smart-ass or anything. Still, this is pretty nice. Blogger seems to be going a lot faster too!
So how's your week going so far? Mine's going great actually, I read a fantastic story today by the same guy who wrote The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger. That short story, A Perfect Day for Bannana Fish is in this book full of his amazing little short stories. Last night, I went over to my friend Marco's apartment and watched Ronin. I'd never seen that movie before, and I enjoyed it very much. Jean Reno was great in it, almost as good as he was in Leon.

Check out this cool picture/ad I found on for ILM.

Now there's a cross-over film if I've ever seen one

I'll check in later or something!


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