Friday, July 25, 2003

Down with the Masses

Today I'm just going to post an email I sent to a band list I'm on. We got into a discussion of popular music and independent music and such. It's just a small rant but I thought it said a lot so I'll share it.

Sure, like you said, not bad (writing formulaic, catchy songs) from a business standpoint. But, in my opinion, that’s exactly what makes it bad – from the independent, artistic point-of-view. There are a LOT of people that don't know there is more to music than what’s on the radio. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out if some people thought that’s where music comes from – the radio. And because the formulaic, cookie-cutter songs are so marketable and profitable, that stifles the artistic, independent songwriter that doesn’t get any air play. Those radio babies may never get the chance to hear something more. Granted most of them wouldn’t take to it because they’re too used to being spoon-fed the same thing for so long, but, there are those who would. And that small number can make quite a difference to the small, independent artist.

I don’t think N’Sync or Britney (or those that write their songs) are brilliant. I think they’re just greedy. I really don’t think it’s that difficult to write the catchy songs that bring in all the money. Then why don’t I do it and get rich? My heart’s not in it. And I think that’s what John was trying to say. There are “artists” that write songs for the sole intent and purpose of making money and getting famous. So, in that case they didn’t put any emotion, “heart and soul” into their songs, except for the “aspiration” to get rich and famous, which some people call “greed”. That’s their prerogative, though. They do it because they can. They have the huge market of those that so willingly wallow in the mirth of capitalism that is sprayed at them.

Then there are those that write music because it’s their way of expressing an emotion or emotions that are result of some experience or event in their lives and they had enough balls to share it with others. In other words, they write because they have to. Fame and riches don’t even enter their minds. I’m not saying some of wouldn’t ever want to get rich and famous, but it’s not part of their writing process.

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