Tuesday, July 22, 2003


Well, hellooo Brock!! Good to hear from you. Yes peoples, the blogs have been thin due to our extremely busy travel schedules. Unfortunately, for us, it's not a common occurence.

The Casket Lottery and Rocky Votolato show was awesome! It was in a house in the lovely area of Simi Valley. We were a bit late and missed some of Rocky's set. But the intimate setting proved very much enjoyable. I never heard The Casket Lottery sound so good, with the exception of a little hard to hear vocals. They're home and plan on recording, hopefully, their fourth full-length album. I really, really hope The Casket Lottery and Rocky gain momentum and noteriety in the industry. They're both very much underappreciated.

The Possiblies and Maybes CD is a great collection of Casket Lottery songs that were on 7"s, comps and unreleased material. I need to listen to Year of the Rabbit's CD more, or at a different time. I don't think I've been in the mood for it. If I was to give a first impression review on it, I'd say that it's OK, kind of boring. But, like I said, I'm most likely not in the mood for that music yet.

Hopefully Brock's reading this. Brock make sure your sitting down. Big news over the weekend is that Hum, yes Hum, the band that brought you "Stars" is getting together for a "one time reunion" to play at the Furnace Fest in Birmingham, Alabama. The worst part of this is that it's going to be nearly impossible for me to catch this show! It's next month and too far away. The thought is cool. There's also the chance that it doesn't happen. But let's hope that it does happen, and that it goes so well that they reunite for idefinitely!

Yup, Brock, you have the first out-of-town, out-of-state blog for our site here. Alcatraz was cool. I think the most unique aspect of it was, that it's so close to San Francisco. I mean, you can see the whole city from there, an excellent view even. It must've drove some prisoners mad that civilization was so close, yet so hard to escape to.

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