Friday, August 29, 2003

Champs and chumps

If you’re lucky, they’ll let you sell your soul for an average GPA. Yessir, tonight is my math class, and guess what? It’s the same instructor that I had last time. Goodness gracious, if that means anything then I guess it means that he’ll lecture from 5 to 7:30 (ten minutes before release) and then dump an initiation test on us. Oh well. Hey Mercedes is tonight, and I can’t miss that. Thankfully, this guy is pretty flexible. If we need to skedaddle he’ll usually let a student leave a test unfinished and then come back and work on it next week. What a champ.

So I hope they play “It’s Been a Blast” tonight, and of course, “Quality Revenge At Last”. It should be fun.

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