Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Elements of today

Today I went over to my new Community College and picked up the three books needed for a screenwriting class I’m going to be taking with Gabe. I’m hoping that the class is good, but the books look to be well worth the money I spent. I’m especially happy that one of those books is the legendary Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White. I doubt that this screenwriting class is going to focus upon the mechanics and rules of English diction. Hence, this book is going to be a valuable asset.
Speaking of writing, I’ve been working on my next post in my trip journal all day today. It’s going to be the longest post in the journal thus far, and it delves straight into my stay at San Francisco. I decided to cut out most of the stuff that happened between Santa Barbara and San Francisco due to the fact that none of it was really interesting. It was basically just a long drive up the coast and through the mountains. I did see some pretty scenery though, but words and paragraphs can’t express that. So if you think I skipped something, you’re absolutely right, I did. It wasn’t anything noteworthy though; I promise to keep the interesting tidbits of my trip intact.

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