Thursday, January 08, 2004

Best Movies?

I thought about doing this but I can't remember everything that came out earlier in the year. I've been trying to find a list somewhere on the Internet that might list every movie that came out in certain years. IMDB couldn't even do it! Oh well. In America made a lot of top ten lists but it originally came out in 2002. So, what can you do? That was a good one by the way.

I have a couple of suggestions for Brock and all of you imaginary readers out there for purchasing CDs and DVDs on the web. They are Deep Discount CD and Deep Discount DVD. They often beat out prices of other places. Plus, buying from them is better than from the giant conglomerate that is Amazon. One gripe - the items can take a long time to arrive if you go with standard (but free) shipping.

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