Monday, May 17, 2004

The Production That Killed Don Quixote

I finally got around to renting Lost in La Mancha the other day (and watching it tonight), and I have to say it’s a tremendous documentary. The fact is that any film is subject to a number of difficulties at any time during its production and misfires litter the Hollywood landscape. This neat little documentary was utterly heartbreaking to watch because Gilliam’s other films tend to be unique, cerebral masterpieces. He’s a fantastic visionary, but I have to say that he came across as a real tight ass in this “un-making of” film.
Every little thing had to be absolutely perfect with him. Now, I know directors have a certain vision that they have to pursue…I’ve experienced that on a much smaller scale, but he was utterly tyrannical in my opinion. He was surrounded with all of these brilliant producers, crewmembers and actors, a true wealth of talent, and yet the second something went wrong he exploded in a blitz of four-letter expletives. He certainly didn’t seem to pose leadership and guidance to his film crew. I think he was, in essence, a mess.

I was disappointed that the film didn’t delve further into his ideas regarding the script though, which seemed to be a revisionist slant to the Don Quixote tale. I was also a little angry that the documentary chose not to delve into some of the conversations and ideas that Johnny Depp shared with Gilliam. There’s a part when Depp first arrives on location and he begins to discuss the script and his character with Gilliam, and then the documentary cuts away to a completely different aspect of the production. I would have really enjoyed seeing how Depp works with other directors (he’s allegedly very hands-on in the creation of his characters and their role in the film) and it was a shame Keith Fulton and Louis Pepe decided not to expand upon that. Or they just didn’t get that footage, whatever.

Gabe, his wife Beckah and I went to see the Casket Lottery in California last week. I won’t say much about it, because I think it’s better Gabe divulge the details (if he feels like it) but I will say Friday’s show at the Ché Café was the absolute best Casket Lottery set I have ever seen. Maybe one of the best gigs I’ve seen.

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