Friday, October 01, 2004

Go/No Go

It's been unusually quiet around the blogs this week. I think everyone's either busy with work or school or life and no one has had the time to post much of anything. I did write up a lengthy review of Josh and Jeremy's Jeffery L. Allen that I wanted to post, but I'm not sure if it's the most honorable of things to do. (I didn't think of that when writing it, I just tend to write reviews out of habit). Either way, it's a good album. It's been in pretty heavy rotation in my CD player for the last few weeks. You should check it out when it's released.

1 comment:

Joshua Provost said...

I keep adding things to a notepad that I should blog about, but haven't had the time. I'll have to come up with something today, everyone's depending on me.

You really should post the review. I'm especially interested in what you didn't like, because we have another few months before it goes out, and we do plan to fix up the mixes a little further. We could use the input!