Friday, October 01, 2004

Post It Up, Peeps!

It has been quiet around the blog front. I have been pretty busy at work, plus I don’t have much worthwhile tidbits to blog about.

Brock, I read your review on the new The Moon is No More album. Sorry, I happened to see it in our blog as a draft. I was like “hmm, what’s this?” I hope you don’t feel violated. I thought it was a great review and you should post it. I don’t think Josh and Jeremy will feel bad that you trashed it. KIDDING! It was actually a pretty glowing review.

I do want to record a song and post it. I’m tired of not having one under my belt. I’m sort of a perfectionist when it comes to writing a song. I’ve had many ideas and I’ve started a few in the past, including a Modest Mouse cover. But I always find something I don’t like and trash it. Even if it’s just a minor “strummed the strings a little funky” thing, I get rid of it. I really need to let go. I’m going to try hard. I may even have something by Monday. Stay tuned. Any advice from you seasoned writer/recorders?


Brock said...

Naw, I don't feel violated at all man. If it's on the blog or in storage or whatever, it's yours to read.

Hey, you should totally record a song. That would be awesome. I actually thought your Modest Mouse cover was pretty good. Like you said, you're just too hard on yourself. I understand where you're coming from though. Remember what filmmaker Jean Renoir said: "Perfection is an ideal; it exists only in the mind, not in reality".

Joshua Provost said...

I'll just put it this way about home recording. It is a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, you get ultimate control without having to watch the clock. On the other hand, the TMINM album has been in the works for over three years, undergoing constant tweaking.

Fatigo just recorded their whole album, ten times better than I can ever hope to achieve, in a couple days, in a studio, with one day to do all the mix downs, and no second guessing. And the results are wonderful.

Anyway, I'd say post what you have, learn from it, and move on to the next song. Only practice makes perfect.