Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Buy now!

I woke up Saturday morning with a scratchy throat and a tingly nose. Shrugging it off, I told myself that there was no way I was getting sick; it just couldn’t happen. Then I spent Sunday afternoon feeling sapped of all energy. My eyes were drooping and congestion was mounting. By Tuesday evening there was little doubt in my mind that I was sick.
Still, I have to commend myself for managing to remain well for so very long. Usually, I’m treated to a healthy dose of colds and viruses throughout most of the winter season. This year I got off fairly easy. And wouldn’t you know it, I’m already starting to feel better! I think I might be completely recovered by Friday.

The horror...the horror

Am I the only one sickened by the latest batch of Old Navy commercials? Tell me I'm not the only one who would proudly deck that kid who says "what a deal" at the end of every spot.

post highlighting Modest Mouse's commercialism #4,879 ---> Speaking of commercialism, maybe you’ve heard of the favorable turnout for Modest Mouse in the latest batch of “year-end” lists? Yes, Modest Mouse, a band that once represented the very core of the indie mentality has now garnered reputable nods from industry standards like Spin Magazine and others.

Spin magazine (who crowned Coldplay as the Best Band of 2003) has chosen to bestow the title of Best Band upon Modest Mouse for 2004. And the blogs are aglow with discussion. Neither Gabe nor myself are as receptive of Modest Mouse’s latest album, Good News for People Who Love Bad News, as the media is, but I’ve come to regard it as one of the better things to happen to commercial rock. Especially with the recent bombardment of alleged saviors, commercial music needs saving by reluctant heroes now more then ever. And who better then indie-rock’s champions supreme?
I think this mentality was best cemented in my mind when I was wandering through the bookstore the other day and I came across the Spin magazine boldly proclaiming MM as their newfound heroes. The magazine interview was nothing special, but it did offer a particularly nice insight from Isaac Brock. With a leering eye towards recent sensation Usher, Brock (not me, him) boldly stated “you can just tell that guy’s gonna pump records out as fast as he can”. It was this statement that softened my glance towards him and Modest Mouse a little bit.
Others have put it more eloquently then I, but the sentiment remains the same; in a world of blatant lip-syncing and shameless commercialism, can you find a band like Modest Mouse, who would willingly play a dirge like “Satin in a Coffin” on David Letterman, at fault?

In short, I forgive you Modest Mouse, I forgive you.


Hagoth L said...

I'm with you on the Old Navy commercials - I hate how they think they can get away with singing lyrics that don't even rhyme. Give me a break - get some marketing people in there with some skill...

Brock said...

And the thing is...they've always had bad commercials.

Gabe said...

Old Navy and GAP can go away and die.

Yes, Modest Mouse may be "hot" but they'd never be ones to give into the pressure. I do still trust them.

Jeremy said...

But that little kid in the commericials is so lovable and so ironic. I still sing "Mellow Yellow" every now and then, when the urge overtakes me.

I have to admit that Modest Mouse troubles me. I own many of their records, but the only one that gets ANY rotation is The Lonesome Crowded West, which is simply a great album. I just can't seem to get into anything else, though, and GNFPWLBN reminds me of a Spielberg film of late. Float On sucks you in and there are few highlights, but overall I'm unimpressed.

Joshua Provost said...

Jer, who was it that told you on one of your Newbury Comics random CD buying binges that you should check out these Modest Mouse guys? Oh, yes, that would be me.

I'm with Gabe, I still trust these guys. They have done some cool things like playing different songs on every TV appearance. It's like they're in there, no doubt enjoying success, but still haning a lot of fun fighting it every step of the way.

Jeremy said...

Wow, after I just got done saying how I don't really like Modest Mouse that much Josh goes bragging about how he introduced me to them.

Gee, Josh, good work. Thanks for sending me in the direction of a band I don't like. Well done!

Brock said...

Heh heh heh...

Ok, so you like The Lonesome Crowded West. That's cool. I think that's pretty much their standard "best record". I also like it, but I'm kind of torn between TLCW and their other epic, The Moon and Antarctica

Jeremy said...

It's tough, because I have a really difficult time saying that I "don't like" MM when I love TLCW SO much. I'm in the process of uploading all of my MM records to the iPod. One of my goals with the iPod is to give every song that I own a listen and a rating. Perhaps I will come around to MM yet.