Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Super Element

If you guys didn't already know, The Fifth Element: Ultimate Edition came out today in celebration of Brock's list. Actually, it's release is not related to Brock's list.

Just picked it up during my lunch. I was always dissapointed the original didn't come with any features. Best part? This comes with the SUPERBIT version. Nice. There's an informative review at DVDFile.com.

Oh yeah, The Village came out today also. ;-)


Brock said...

I saw a commercial for this on TV. I was like, "finally". About time they gave this movie such a good treatment!

Jeremy said...

This is some good news. I really hate it, though, when they release a special edition of a movie long after the film originally comes out. They know that the people who are going to want it the most are people that are already own the regular DVD. I just can't bring myself to buy a DVD of a movie that I already own on DVD. It just seems like silliness.

That's the same reason that I still don't have the Iron Giant special edition.

My bro+sis-in-law got us The Village as part of their anniversary gift to us. I watched the deleted scenes and Manoj's home movie last night. Interesting stuff! I think we'll bring The Village on our trip to Hawaii to pass time on the plane ride.

Gabe said...

Tell me about it! If it's a decently popular movie and has little features, plan on a special edition coming out eventually. I'm still waiting for Batman.

They released The Fifth Element on SUPERBIT after the original. I haven't brought myself to buy those SUPERBIT versions since I already have the originals with all the features but this was a major bonus. I peeked at it last night and the video quality was amazing. It's worth it. Plus 754kbs DTS!

Here's a good article on SUPERBIT.