Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Set The Alarm To Self Destruct

I didn't even know what Kill Haole Day was until now. Anyway, the Dambuilders were a great band. Josh probably has all their stuff, since they were from Boston and all. They did the indie rock w/violin thing the best.

This week's song is from their first of three albums.

Download mp3: Dambuilders - Kill Haole Day.

Kill Haole Day

this is not my scene
and i'm not sure what they mean
just wish i skipped
no way to worm out of your grip
my moke i'm choked up to let you bend my head
my crime is trust
white trashes to ashes dust to dust
are we pau?
can i ride? decide?
maybe there's no place left to hide
i thrive on rage
dare you to kick my rib-cage in
all lights go dim
happy to be your insect pinned
i guess i'm stuck
set the alarm to self-destruct
do it...pow
starless kalihi side haole boy must die
would you crush the life out of me
nice to know you're thinking of me
check this out
my doubt is that your afraid to take me out
my crime is lip
am i on the suicide tip
disinfect my head
check to see that i'm not dead
i guess i'm stuck
set the alarm to self-destruct
are we pau?
starless kalihi-cide haole boy good-bye
would you crush the life out of me
nice to know you're thinking of me
do i sense you really love me

1 comment:

Brock said...

It's interesting how jagged and punchy the lyrics are. No one line is a long stream of thoughts and feelings, instead you get little bursts of violence.

I like it.

That gives it a strong connection to the school practice as well. I had no idea that such a thing existed. It's unfortunate that people actually beat up other kids on a racial basis in Hawaii public schools (not that such violence is limited to Hawaii though, I'm sure).

Great song, great band.