Thursday, September 29, 2005


Man, being sick is terrible. Let me tell you though, there's nothing worse then going to school...a full day, while being sick. Something nasty is in the air. And what's the deal with people? I had a whole bunch of people come up to me today (of all days) wanting to shake my hand. I feel like a tool telling people, "Hey look, I'd shake your hand, but I'm teeming with germs".


Gabe said...

I deleted more spam comments. That's it, no more anonymous commenters!

Gabe said...

Oh, and I hope you feel better. I was sick last week, right after we got back from San Diego. It lasted a week.

Jeremy said...

Sick sucks.

I've been sick for a week and a half. Still trying to get rid of the cough.

Joshua Provost said...

Somehow I missed this post. Brock, this is the time you really separate your friends from your enemies. I can think of one person at school you might want to shake, shake, shake!

Brock said...

Ah yes.

"Hey bud, *hack!!!*'s it going?"