Thursday, October 06, 2005

Avoiding a Car Crash

Tuesday I was cruising west along Bell Rd. during work when a white pick-up truck cut across north to a Fry's shopping plaza. Fortunately I saw him when he first took off. I thought he was going pretty fast, but figured he'd be stopping in the center lane, thinking he must see me, being that I was right in his path. Nope.

That only gave me enough time to floor it, and to try turning away from him, as I in was in the center lane, of a three lane, west bound road. I didn't make it past him and he nailed the back corner of my bumper, sending the tail north bound, but I regained control. He slammed on his brakes, after the hit.

I must've gained some distance, because when I looked back he was further away than I expected. He was stopped in the driveway of the plaza. I probably should've stopped the car there and walked back, but I wasn't thinking (the adrenaline was pumping). Plus, I saw a bunch of traffic coming, so I made a U turn to go back. He wasn't there anymore. I realized that he may have thought that I was taking off, since the next turn off wasn't for a little ways. But I searched the entire parking lot for white pick-ups and only came across two. I inspected both but saw nothing incriminating.

I expected my car to be in bad shape, but I almost couldn't tell I was even hit, if it weren't for the scuffs. If I had tunnel vision, and didn't see this guy, I would've been t-boned! It was a scary moment, but all's good.


Brock said...

Man, I'm glad you're ok. Situations like that are terrifying. Sounds like it happened in the blink of an eye too. I'm glad the car wasn't damaged too badly as well...that's the last thing anyone needs to worry about.

Joshua Provost said...

Wow, hit and run, sorry to hear that. I hope you're OK. That kind of stuff happens on the West Side, yo!

Gabe said...

I just got a little stiff afterwards for a day. Other than that, I was totally fine.