Friday, October 06, 2006


Hey, I just wanted to post a congrats to the folks behind Outisde In for its recent success at the Horror and Sci-Fi Film Festival. Thanks for helping me to create a creepy and unsettling film. I'm going to be honest...I've made far better films since Outside In, but no film (save for maybe Wildlifeless) truly feels like a film I would do. Outside In does. As far as I know, it isn't riffing off of anyone else's style. It's something we made happen on our own. So hurrah.



Gabe said...

Congrats to you! It was a lot of fun to be in that film.

Joshua Provost said...

Yeh, congrats to you, Brock. When you get a chance to get your films out there, even the early ones, they are getting recognition. It bodes well for future endeavors. Sci-Fi London, here we come.