Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Kiss and make up

First and foremost, yesterday's post by yours truly, Looser was supposed to have a funny picture to go with it. However, because of some hiccup in the code, the picture failed to post, and the edit feature on that post bombed out. I don’t know what happened, but this is my formal apology for that atrocity of a red X that you see below.

Man Gabe, great commentary on the Oscars! Kathy Bates cracks me up... I personally didn't watch the Oscars, yet it wasn't because of a personal stance or anything. Rather, I forgot that they were on. That's pretty sad, when an aspiring movie director neglects the biggest awards show in film. Nevertheless, the second I found out that I had missed out on the Oscars I jetted online to check out who the winners and losers were. No surprise regarding Nicole Kidman and her best actress award. While I will denote that her performance as Virginia Wolf in The Hours was pretty good, it's probably not her best moment. Let's face it; this was a make-up Oscar for last year when she lost to Halle Berry.
I really can't say too much else aside from the fact that I'm disappointed John C. Riley lost. Not surprised, I expected him to loose, but that doesn't make the fact any less disappointing. Still, maybe his being nominated will raise awareness among the public of his prolific career and skills. Word to the wise for the new "hip" Oscar judges: Next year I want to see Philip Seymour Hoffman get nominated for his sure to be amazing performance in Cold Mountain. Right on.

Today I'm off for my first real cinema class. No mishaps like last time, I'm in it for sure now. Currently I'm debating on what to make of my summer semester in college. I'll probably pick up the first two classes that will factor into my choice of profession: Screenwriting and Photography. Hoo boy...

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