Thursday, March 20, 2003


Thanks for the tips, Brock! I need to start carrying a notebook and pen around. I'm trying to write it at work because I actually have the time there. However, the atmosphere is probably not the best for writing a creative story. In fact, it's probably having a negative affect. I have a notebook with a few pages of song lyrics that I mostly wrote while on vacation. If that's what I need to do, write while on vacation, I'll have it done in a few years! No, I should be able to do more if I try writing in different situations. I may have a good start this weekend. I'll be going up to Flagstaff for a brief vacation. Perhaps I can get started there.

Well, thanks to Brock purchasing my guitar, I was able to purchase a nice acoustic guitar on Ebay. I didn't want to spend a ton of money on one. The Seagull brand was highly recommended to me for it's excellent quality, yet low prices. I had the opportunity to play one yesterday and I was very impressed! Now hopefully in a year or less, I can get a Gibson SG Standard.

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