Sunday, March 16, 2003

Oscar winnin' Super-Force

Well, I think it's easy to say that the greatest snub to happen at the Oscars this year isn't the complete lack of Punch-Drunk Love support, but rather the fact that Gabe didn't get the bleacher seat. Of course, it goes without saying that I'll take Gabe along to the awards if I ever get nominated. I think usually a nominated director takes his or her spouse along, but I'll have to bring Gabe. However, maybe we'll both go on accord of our talent as a writer/director/actor super-force...

So the new blog is coming along pretty well, but we haven't made any posts yet. The second it's ready I'm sure Gabe will want to let you all know, but we're still working on it. We've picked out a cool format for the blog actually, one that works well with the concept that this will be a story blog. Gabe even has a little headliner picked out for the blog that gives the reader the run-down on the story's background. It's gonna be great.

This week I was listening to Braid's Frame and Canvas frequently, as a matter of fact I'm listening to it right now while I write this post. The Casket Lottery's Moving Mountains was also in heavy rotation, "Saw you laugh it off..."

I'll pop in tomorrow or something, see you guys and gals then!

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