Thursday, May 15, 2003


Well, I got back from the Matrix about an hour and a half ago; Gabe and I decided to see it today. I know I have many things to say about that movie, but I’m going to let them hang here for a bit so I can talk about Small Brown Bike. It’s less complicated that way.

Small Brown Bike was of course, great. I didn’t think it would be a bad show, and they played some good songs. They even played a few new songs from their brand spanking new EP. If you’ve been reading their website then you probably know that they’re destined to put a new album out sometime this summer, and I assume that I few of the new songs they played were from that venture. Still, I do have a few gripes, but they have to do with me and not the band. First of all, I need to get a pair of earplugs. I don’t have fresh, “virgin ears” anymore. As good as a show is, the after-ring isn’t, so to speak. Gabe also mentioned that the sound at Modified might have been better towards the back, near the soundboard. When Small Brown Bike took the stage we both went up towards the front, and that may have caused some of the problems with the sound and hence, our hearing. That’s not to say it ruined the show…all I’m saying is that I enjoy my ears ring-free.

So then, I guess that leaves the Matrix, doesn’t it? I will comment about it, but I need to organize my thoughts. Right now they’re all construed and unfocused. If I talk about the Matrix I’m sure the only thing I’ll say is “Holycowthosewhiteagentskickedbutt!!!”
I want to investigate the intellectual aspects to this movie in addition to the “wow, that’s purdy” factor. I do want to say that the Matrix Power Aid ad is horrible

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