Monday, July 12, 2004

Au Contraire

Yes, I still live. We're proud to have come across a sole reader, our friend, Josh Provost.

Ah, the artiste and his constant self-degredation. Brock, your performance is nary the cause of our failing to make the top 25. Besides, I had a visible laugh as well. Those could have been cut, but the real problem was in the focus of the film. The majority of that being a character that was insanely retarded doing crazy stuff (no offense to the mentally handicapped). As funny as it was, it took away from the theme of "escape." However, we definitely had a better film than some of those that made it. We can only blame that on the judges who have a affection for the mundane and ordinary.

Brock and I were able to enjoy a viewing of a Wong Kar Wai film (Chungking Express) at Josh's house. It was enjoyable and I would like to see more of his stuff.

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