Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Synch it up!

If you haven't already heard by now, on last weekend's Saturday Night Live, there was a technical difficulty with Ashlee Simpson's second performance. The wrong vocal track came on for her to sing, or lip synch, along to. Oops! If you didn't get the pleasure of seeing her awkward moment, catch it here.

There have been all kinds of excuses coming out since the incident, from her, her record company, even her father. The big one being that she lost her voice before the show due to acid reflux.

Apparently it was the drummer's job to play the track. I don't know if he messed up, sabotaged it, or the machine messed up, but the record company will probably can him as a scapegoat. I love it when pop stars are exposed for what they are...puppets.


Gabe said...

Man, that link was working right before I posted. They were probably forced to remove it. Dang it!

Joshua Provost said...

I downloaded it, no problem. Haven't seen it yet, but caught the Yahoo! News article yesterday. Just like Sammy Sosa and his corked bat, it's hard to believe that you get caught the very first time doing something you shouldn't.

This shocks even me, the guy who kept his Milli Vanilli tape for many years after the incident, before destroying it in a mall parking lot with a tennis racket. I knew these guys were insipid, but I didn't know they were downright fake.

And what's the deal, Ashlee Simpson isn't even attractive!

Brock said...

Here’s what cracks me up about the whole thing: many of these fans truly believe that she is singing her own music. She’ll bounce back though (unfortunately). Lip-syncing isn’t nearly as big a “no-no” as it was years ago. These days it’s practically a given.