Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Gabe here, popping my head in.

I enjoyed the Firebird Band show. I think I like the CD. The problem is that their first CD had a lot of guitar, very minimal electro elements. In fact, the only electro element about it was the drum machine. Since I'm mainly a guitar-oriented person, I'm very dissapointed off-the-bat, since the new album is mainly "electro rock" with very little guitar.

Also, I'm a big fan of Chris Broach's voice. It's very prominent and raw on the old CD. On the new one, it's often layered with an effect. On some songs, if I didn't know who I was listening to, I wouldn't have known it was Broach.

However, I don't dislike the album, and there are a couple songs that stand out that I like very much. I just have to get used to the departure from the earlier sound.

I'm currently writing a short script based on Pinocchio, entitled Driftwood. I don't know if I can do this without violating copyright issues, but it is a loosely based, darker version. I was full of visions at the Firebird Band show and I spewed them off to Brock. This included greeting cards such as "Thank you for the monkeys."


Joshua Provost said...

There's a good chance Pinocchio is public domain, since the story is more than 75 years old. You always have to deal with Disney, who think they are above the law.

Sounds intruiging. Like my other favorite movie line: "Would you like to buy a monkey?"

Brock said...

"Would you like to buy a monkey?"

Lemme guess...Letterman in Cabin Boy, right?

I think you should be fine Gabe. Remember that Italian Pinocchio that Marco showed us a few years ago? Like Josh said, it's an older story. Disney just thinks they can stamp the mouse ears over whatever comes their way...but most of their classical stories are just adaptations of stories that have been circulating around for years. And hey, don't forget, Kubrick loosely based A.I. off of Pinocchio. In fact, I think he mentioned it several times in interviews before his death. If he can get away with it, so can you!

Gabe said...

Yeah, I do believe it's public domain because I've found the whole story posted on a site. It's something that will probably never get made, but I have the urge to write it.