Friday, May 02, 2003

Black X-pectations

So I'm sitting here listening to Frank Black's album, Black Letter Days and I'm not sure if I dig it yet. It's definately unique, but a bit more polished then his other stuff. Why am I listening to this album you ask? Well, a week ago or something I was riding along with Gabe and he was playing a mix CD from Bob Nanna, and the CD had a song from Frank Black on it. I thought it was a wicked song and I liked it almost as much as the Pixies. With that in mind, I walked into Best Buy today looking for something new, and low and behold, I just snagged Mr. Black. I didn't know what album to pick up, so I just went for the newest looking one.

X-Men 2 eh? Yes, I'm excited, but really only because of one character that's appearing in the movie. Still, maybe it'll be cool.

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