Monday, June 02, 2003

Follow me around

Hey hey folks!

I have to agree with Gabe on the Hulk; not only does it have potential to be a great film, but also potential to be the greatest comic book movie of all time. Yes, I’m going to say that if Ang Lee plays his cards right (and it looks like he did) then this could rival or surpass the original Batman film by Tim Burton.

So how was the weekend? Mine’s was pretty good, I got a chance to read up on some books of mine and I’ve been listening to Radiohead’s Kid A like crazy. Lately I’ve been trying to write down some short story ideas so that I might possibly have something worthy of being submitted to a magazine. When I’m done writing I think I’d like to share some of those stories here on the blog. I know I’ve said that in the past, but I mean it this time. Here’s the pitch for one story: You know how you can often walk into a restaurant or a store and subconsciously begin watching people? Just standing there, glancing from person to person, you begin wondering what they’re thinking, where they’re going and who they are? I’m writing something along those lines, a man who people-watches in order to fill in the void of human contact. The catch? People subconsciously watch him too.

If you remember your Indy Film history, you might recall that Christopher Nolan, the director of Memento, already wrote and filmed a story similar to that premise. Regardless of whether or not I’m ripping him off, I’m still going to finish the story (it’s a little over half done) and see how I like it.

Maybe I’ll pop in later and let you know how the day is progressing. Until then,


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