Monday, June 09, 2003

There are stories of coincidence and chance, of intersections and strange things told

Well folks, I seem to have crawled out of the social lethargy that held a grip on me over the weekend, and as a result, I’m now primed and ready for a week of blogging. Good thing too, because this is going to be a crazy week. For starters, we have the Jets to Brazil show tonight; a group Gabe and I never got to review here on the blog due to their Phoenix cancellation. We’ll be sure to tell you how it goes tonight. I’m expecting it to be fantastic, but we’ll give you the lowdown regardless. Second, we have the release of Radiohead’s sixth studio album tomorrow, Hail to the Thief. If you’ve been following our posts for the past few weeks you’ve probably noticed that Gabe and I have been discussing this new album rather frequently. I’m very excited to get it in my palms and I know that from the pirated tracks floating around the net that it’s going to be well worth the wait. I’m sure that I’ll have plenty to say in the coming days about Thief.

Let’s talk about the here and the now though, particularly my newfound ability to manipulate coincidence. Take Gabe’s mix for example: He put Golden on the first draft of the mix, a Failure song that I had discovered just a few days earlier. Last week though, the coincidences seemed to extend beyond the realm of mix tapes and into chance encounters. For instance, I went to the mall on Wednesday to window-shop and eat lunch. It was nice, and I un-expectantly ran into a friend from my previous communications class. Matt was his name, and he was an all around nice person. It was good to see him and catch up on how things have been since the communications class. However, chance encounters are fun, but they soon became freaky. Fast forward to the next day when I was in Best Buy purchasing some music, namely The White Stripes and Modest Mouse, when suddenly I’m tapped on the shoulder by the person behind me in line. I turn around and see Matt…again. Two days, two chance encounters, I felt like I had crossed over from my life into some weird Paul Thomas Anderson film.

Still, I let it go, and I went about my usual business. Fast forward a few more days and I was in the waiting room of the doctor’s office, reading, when all of a sudden I hear a familiar voice. Turns out it was another classmate from the same damned communication class, Hector. Now I was freaked out. These chance encounters have moved beyond a few instances in Best Buy to my doctor’s office. Next thing you know I’ll wake up and find that the teacher moved in next-door or some horrible twist of fate.

Now if only I could figure out how to use this anomaly for my own ends…

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