Thursday, August 07, 2003


I love the play on that company name from Office Space. Initech, sounds like: Anytech. Well, the company I work for can be filed under that generalization of tech companies. Today, I'm a bit joyous. I'm moving! No, not to the basement clutching my precious stapler while mumbling how I'll burn the place down. I'm actually "movin' on up." Pay raise? Promotion? If only! I'm litterly moving up, as in upstairs. Why am I so excited? Let me es-plain.

For the past year or so, I've been sitting in a hallway by a door. People constantly come in and out. There are a couple people that have the nasty habit of swinging the door wide open, as if they were twice their actual size. Of course that means I get to hear the door slam, whilst my papers blow all over the place. And that's not the worst part. There's a guy that sits right behind me who's as loud as DC-10 engine. He speaks 3-6 decibles louder than the average person. It's insane!! Finally, I'm getting away from it, in my own cube in a quiet area.

Where's my stapler!?

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