Monday, March 08, 2004

The Sounds of Science

A new Beastie Boys album will be released this year. Finally. Yes, that's right, the Beasties will unleash the follow up to their massively huge Hello Nasty this Summer. Mass hysteria is sure to follow.

Gabe, Marco, a friend of ours and myself attended the Art Detour Saturday in downtown Phoenix. This time we went for a change in plan and visited some of the galleries we normally stray from, including The Ice House and AUX. The Ice House's work was an impressive use of artistically molded steel, while AUX showcased some interesting work by a mathematically inspired artist. I was especially impressed by those pieces; the artist created his work by visualizing mathematical equations into their visceral offspring. The result was some startlingly beautiful geometric figures. One piece in particular had been overlaid with color and shading to create a stunning picture of planetary bodies in orbit.
After the Art Detour we went over to Gabe's house and watched Whale Rider. I must admit that I was taken back numerous times while watching the film. Rebekah (Gabe's wife) had mentioned that it was a tearful viewing, and Gabe (jokingly?) set out a box of tissues before playing the movie. And while I didn't cry, there were some very impacting moments in the story. The finale in particular was visually and emotionally reaming. I won't spoil it for you, but the movie succeeds in creating a haunting portrait of beached whales, while at the same time interlocking it into the story's premise.

On a side note, I won’t be able to attend The Fire Theft and Grandaddy show on Wednesday night. I’ve got midterms in digital multimedia and I also have to edit the video I directed. Voiceover work, audio files and transitions all need to be applied to the footage the crew and I gathered.
I’ve already seen The Fire Theft, which leaves Grandaddy as my main disappointment. I had really gotten into their music over the last few months in hopes that it would pay off in seeing them live. Now I’ll have to wait until they come around again. If you’re thinking of going on Wednesday, I highly recommend it. The Fire Theft puts on an amazing set. They’re energetic, brooding and epic. You won’t be disappointed.

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